Conveniences when Coding on the Canvas

Including a few you will not find anywhere else!

Dr Abstract
11 min readJul 26, 2020


Welcome readers from ◎ Your Guide to Coding Creativity on the Canvas

Conveniences — Yawn? Well… when you are cruising with code, these are the things that make you feel like rolling down the window and blasting your favorite tune!

We will use the ZIM JavasScript Canvas Framework. For other canvas options, please see ◎ Your Guide to Selecting a JavaScript Canvas Library or Framework.

Characters ©Hanna Barbara — go Velma!

Take a look at this Button!

You can code along with us if you want. We will use the Kids’ Editor then copy or type this code and press TEST.

NOTE: we now have the ZIM Editor (based on the Kids Editor shown).

new Button().sca(2).center();
Button on the Canvas in ZIM

To change how the button looks we can set the button parameters in the round brackets () as we make the button. For info on parameters see ◎ Your Guide to Coding Concepts with the Colorful Canvas. Type and test:

new Button(100,100,"GO",pink,green)…



Dr Abstract

Inventor, Founder of ZIM JavaScript Canvas Framework and Nodism, Professor of Interactive Media at Sheridan, Canadian New Media Awards Programmer and Educator